Use "democrat|democrats" in a sentence

1. They said Democrats should be allowed to nominate the Democrat of their choosing, and Republicans, the Republican candidate of theirs.

2. I've voted Democrat all my life.

3. Synonyms for Constitutionalist include democrat, leveler, leveller, moderate, populist, republican, egalitarian, social democrat, equalitarian and royalist

4. Republicans deplore his Old Democrat instincts.

5. New Democrat Gore dismissed the idea.

6. He was putting himself forward as a Democrat.

7. They way outweigh Democrats.

8. Edwards is seen as a populist Democrat.

9. He lost badly but every Democrat does.

10. We voted Democrat in the last election.

11. They went out and voted Liberal Democrat.

12. "Democrats divided on gay marriage".

13. There are currently 56 Democrats in the senate and two independents who caucus with the Democrats.

14. Not the Republicans, the Democrats.

15. Foley's announcement discomfited some Democrats.

16. Webb was a Democrat tied closely to Johnson.

17. You calling me a blimp, you fucking Democrat?

18. Only one Democrat on the committee, freshman Rep.

19. In 19 the now-retired liberal Democrat, Rep.

20. The Democrats rejected the referendum proposal.

21. Democrats are very sensitive about inclusion.

22. The state has swung from Republican to Democrat.

23. Ways and Means Committee Democrats U.S

24. The Democrats were outvoted, as usual.

25. "Hong Kong's Democrats Hold Their Own".

26. The Democrat candidate is the favorite to win election.

27. Congressman Tom Downey is a Democrat from New York.

28. Ben Carson Bewilders most black democrats

29. Ten Democrats bolted on this vote.

30. Leading Illinois Democrats Criticized Downstate Republican U.S

31. Peterson, a Democrat, has been involved in political circles.

32. Liberal Democrat candidate Peter Bergg has agreed to appear.

33. Anything to put a Democrat into the governor's mansion.

34. He sought to purge the Democrat party of conservatives.

35. Democrats Confront a Surge at the Border

36. Democrats must respect the rule of law.

37. Key Democrats split with Obama on taxes

38. Perfidy Meets Putty—Congressional Democrats Betray Voters

39. It was 042 for the Progressive Democrats.

40. 3 Democrats, too, have painful Medicare memories.

41. The current chief executive of Brazil is Mayor Ann Bradshaw (Democrat).

42. Well, Francis is a Southern Democrat, and we have thick skins.

43. Camden Weekly Phenix and West Jersey Democrat May 22, 1858

44. A fellow New Democrat[], Gore shared the Clinton vision.

45. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., the ranking Democrat on the subcommittee.

46. President Clinton's rousing speech united the Democrats.

47. This is a district where Democrats predominate.

48. Many Democrats felt queasy about the issue.

49. The Democrats set up a committee to fire them and bring in Democrats, and Daley took part in the gleeful task.

50. Durbin, an Illinois Democrat, and the Senate Majority Whip, assumed the Judiciary Chairmanship this year after ranking Democrat Dianne Feinstein, 87, did not get the post

51. Senate Democrats try to repeal it in 2011.

52. Democrats mull cuts to schools in stimulus plan.

53. This Charmed is plagued with Democrat views of young people

54. What are another words for Antimonarchist? Republican, pro-republic, democrat

55. James McDermott, D-Wash., the ranking Democrat on the panel.

56. Reagan Conciliated moderate Democrats when he needed to

57. The democrats organize a filibuster in the senate.

58. Democrats Virginia Democratic Gubernatorial Contenders Endorse BDS Movement

59. Ocasio-Cortez, other Democrats “Capitalizing” on Texas devastation

60. Phone Bank Captain & CAnvasser Washington State Democrats

61. Arithmetically impossible for a Democrat to win Florida, Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico

62. Edward J.. Markey, a Massachusetts Democrat and leading proponent of the bill.

63. He is just what he claims he is, a natural democrat.

64. The Liberal Democrat manifesto is a clear commitment to change Britain.

65. Senior Democrat caught on hot mic suggests Bypassing Republicans on infrastructure

66. Why does everyone have to be a Democrat or a Republican?

67. Democrats Have Planned a Coup If Trump Wins Reelection

68. It'll bind the Democrats together, not pull us apart.

69. Democrats say arguments against the bill won't hold up.

70. 1 Democrats say the petition will eviscerate state government.

71. Republicans accused the Democrats of launching a smear campaign.

72. Connecticut GOP Clashes with Democrats over extending Gov

73. Ford was defeated by Democrat Jimmy Carter in the general election.

74. My father was a lifelong supporter of the Democrats.

75. Twelve members were absent, 7 Republicans and 5 Democrats.

76. His nomination could be a field day for Democrats.

77. The Acerbic 85-year-old Michigan Democrat had long been contemptuous of Tea Partiers

78. In 1852 he moved to the Oregon Territory and began editing the Oregon Democrat.

79. His competition would be the incumbent, Andrew Jackson (Democrat) and Henry Clay (National Republicans).

80. Democrats and Republicans support child Allowances for different reasons